Just before the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, the Jubilee Memorial Committee (part of Canterbury's 50th anniversary Jubilee celebrations of 1900) commissioned British sculptor, Francis Williamson (1833-1920) to create the statue. Williamson promoted himself as 'the Queen's Sculptor' because of the other work he had done. It was decided to erect the statue in Market Square, which would be renamed to Victoria Square once the statue was unveiled. In addition to being a memorial to Queen Victoria, it would also recognise the early Pakeha settlers of Canterbury, and also those who served in the South African (Boer) War (1899-1902).
The statue itself is made of bronze. The stone plinth includes eight bronze panels - the first - "Victoria, Born May 24th, 1819, died January 22nd, 1901. The next is a bas-relief depicting the arrival of the Canterbury Pilgrims in 1850, and their welcome by local Māori. The next panel is a scene of Canterbury soldiers leaving to serve in the South African War and the fourth panel remembers the 79 Canterbury soldiers who lost their lives in that war. Above on the next layer are four relief panels, which Williamson adapted from earlier drawings by Canterbury College School of Art teacher, Charles Kidson, illustrating 'Typical Forms of Industries' of Canterbury - manufacture, education, agriculture and pastoralism. The images reflect the struggles and successes of early colonists, the importance of the arts and industries and value of free education.